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 영문-신소재공학과 Faculty Laboratory Next-generation Flexible Electronics Lab
Next-generation Flexible Electronics Laboratory (NFEL) (Prof : Hea-Lim Park )
Next-generation Flexible Electronics Lab. (NFEL) aims to develop organic-based electronics and printing processes for next-generation flexible electronics, such as artificial synapses (e..g., Memristors, Synaptic Transistors) and Artificial neural networks. We are investigating on the integration of sensing and light-emitting functions and new structure of organic transistors. In addition, we are working on solution-processing to produce organic electronics.
What we are interested in
1. Neuromorphic Devices for Artificial Intelligent Systems.
2. Bio-Inspired Organic Electronics.
3. Multi-Funcional Organic Field-Effect Transistors.
4. Solution-Processed Electronics.
Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6613
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