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 영문-신소재공학과 Faculty Laboratory Next-Generation Energy Materials Lab
Next-Generation Energy Materials Lab. (Prof : Hyo-Jin Ahn)
NGEM is a research group supervised by Prof. Hyo-Jin Ahn at seoul national university of science and technology. This laboratory is doing research on the nanomaterials on the basis of electrochemistry, physical chemistry, and material engineering. The main focus of research is the new renewable energy storage devices such as Lithium-ion batteries, Super-capacitors, Lithium-air batteries, Fuel cells, Electrochromic devices.  To achieve the high performance of these devices, we are trying to develop advanced nanomaterials by dealing with composites, crystal structures, surface porosities, and morphologies. In addition, we are interested in the fabrication of transparent conducting electrodes with excellent electrical and optical properties for photovoltaic applications.
Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6613
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