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 영문-신소재공학과 Faculty Laboratory Advanced Nano Electronics Lab
Advanced Nano Electronic Laboratory (Prof : Byung-Joon Choi)
Based on research on thin film materials and thin film processes, our laboratory Advanced Nano Electronic Laboratory (ANEL) is conducting research on semiconductor processes and devices such as oxide resistive random access memory (RRAM) and group III nitride transistors. In addition, based on research on the atomic layer deposition method (ALD) capable of adjusting the thickness in nanometers, we are expanding our research areas to areas such as semiconductor gas sensors and functional coatings of nano materials.
What we are interested in
  • 1. Atomic layer deposition.
  • a. III-Nitride materials Atomic Layer Deposition
  • b. Plasma enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition
  • c. Area Selective Atomic Layer Deposition
  • d. Power Atomic Layer Deposition
  • 2. Resistance Random Access Memory.
  • 3. Threshold-switching Selector.
  • 4. Thermoelectric Device.
Schematic of Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
Schematic of Plasma enhancement ALD (PEALD)
Area-Selective ALD (AS-ALD)
Schematic of Powder ALD
Resistive Random Access Memory (ReRAM)
Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6613
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