재료강도 연구실
재료강도 연구실
 학과소개 실험실소개 재료강도 연구실
재료강도 연구실 (담당교수: 황병철)
Metallurgy is the principal study of the Byoungchul Hwang research group. Research interests include the microstructure and mechanical properties of advanced metallic materials with particular emphasis on the fundamentals of deformation and fracture behaviors; development of novel high- and medium-manganese steels for cryogenic applications; strain-based design of high-strength API linepipe steels & earthquake resisting reinforced steel bars; hydrogen embrittlement and applications of metallic materials; engineering strength and toughness into advanced metallic materials; and computational materials science & engineering. Please visit the research page for more information on current projects.

Development of Novel High- and Medium-Manganese Steels for Cryogenic Applications
  • - Strengthening light-weight Fe-Mn-Al-(N,C) alloys for cryogenic applications
  • - Alloy design of medium-manganese steels with excellent low-temperature toughness
  • - High-temperature hydrogen attack and reheating cracking of heat-resistant steels
Strain-Based Design of High-strength API Linepipe Steels & Earthquake Resisting Reinforced Steel Bars
  • - Thermo-mechanical control process (TMCP) and microstructural evolution
  • - Optimum microstructure to achieve excellent deformability of low yield ratio and high uniform elongation
  • - Microstructure-based prediction of tensile properties using multiple linear regression analysis
Hydrogen Embrittlement and Applications of Metallic Materials
  • - Crygenic and hydrogen embrittlement of high-manganese steels for liquid hydrogen storage
  • - High-temperature hydrogen attack and reheating cracking of heat-resistant steels
  • - Materials selection and criterion for hybrid hydrogen ironmaking
  • - Hydrogen embrittlement of metallic materials subjected to different hydrogen charging methods
Engineering Strength and Toughness into Advanced Metallic Materials
  • - Development of nanostructured bainite steels for high-hardness armors (HHA)
  • - Hydrogen embrittlement of Ti-6Al-4V alloys for military and aerospace applications
  • - Dynamic deformation and fracture behaviors of high specific-strength steels
Computational Materials Science and Engineering & Materials Characterization
연구실 구성원 (Lab Members)
- 황병철, 교수

  • - 신승혁, 박사과정
  • - 김상규, 석박사통합과정
  • - 김재윤, 학석사연계과정
  • - 오동규, 학사과정
  • - 최예원, 학사과정
  • - 신희창, 학사과정
  • - 장명진, 학사과정

  • - 이상인, 박사과정 졸업 (2020), 한국과학기술연구원 (KIST) 박사후연구원 과정
  • - 이승용, 석사과정 졸업 (2017), 일본 동경공업대학교 박사과정
  • - 임현석, 석사과정 졸업 (2018), 한국조폐공사 재직
  • - 이승완, 석사과정 졸업 (2020), 삼성전자 재직
  • - 홍태운, 석사과정 졸업 (2020), 삼성전자 재직
  • - 이지민, 석사과정 졸업 (2020), 삼성전자 재직
  • - 이상혁, 학사과정 졸업 (2021), 독일 아헨공과대학교 석사과정
연구실 위치 (Lab Location)
하이테크관 228호 뒷문 재료강도 연구실 (Tel. 02-970-9991)
학부연구생 면담 (상시모집)
C: 010-2953-5270 
Tel: 02-970-9991

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