77540 Introduction 77541 Faculty 8140 Curriculum
Hea-Lim Park
Organic materials/electronics
2018. 02 : Ph.D. in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

2012. 02 : B.S. in School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
2021. 03 - Present : Assistant Professor in Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, Republic of Korea

2018. 06 - 2021. 02 : Postdoctoral Researcher in Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

2018. 03 - 2021. 05 : Postdoctoral Researcher in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Research Areas
- Neuromorphic Devices and Systems
- Organic Materials and Electronics
- Flexible Electronics
- Engineering Mathematics
- Introduction to Electronic Engineering
- Chemistry(2)
- Organic Electronic Materials
Selected Publications
◾ H.-L. Park, M.-H. Kim, H. Kim, S.-H. Lee*, "Self-selective organic memristor by engineered conductive nanofilament diffusion for realization of practical neuromorphic system", Advanced Electronic Materials, 7, 2100299 (2021)
◾ Y. Lee+, H.-L. Park+, Y. Kim, T.-W. Lee*, “Low energy consuming organic electronic synapses”, Joule, 5, 1 (2021)
◾ H.-L. Park, M.-H. Kim, M.-H. Kim*, S.-H. Lee*, “Reliable Organic Memristors for Neuromorphic Computing by Predefining a Localized Ion-Migration Path in Crosslinkable Polymer Electrolytes”, Nanoscale, 12, 22502 (2020)
◾ H.-L. Park, M.-H. Kim*, S.-H. Lee*, “Introduction of Interfacial Load Polymeric Layer to Organic Flexible Memristor for Regulating Conductive Filament Growth”, Advanced Electronic Materials, 6, 2000582 (2020)
◾ H.-L. Park, H. Kim, D. Lim, H. Zhou, Y.-H. Kim, Y. Lee, S. Park*, T.-W. Lee*, “Retina-Inspired Carbon Nitride-Based Photonic Synapses for Selective Detection of UV Light”, Advanced Materials, 32, 1906899 (2020)
◾ H.-L. Park+, Y. Lee+, N. Kim, D.-G. Seo, G.-T. Go, T.-W. Lee*, “Flexible Neuromorphic Electronics for Computing, Soft Robotics, and Neuroprosthetics”, Advanced Materials, 32, 1903558 (2020)
Journal Papers
◾ Flexible and stretchable synaptic devices for wearable neuromorphic electronics, FLEXIBLE AND PRINTED ELECTRONICS, vol.8 No.4 pp.043001~043001, 2023박혜림
◾ Reduction of Current Path of Solution-Processed Organic Photosynaptic Transistors for Neuromorphic Computing, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 2023박혜림
◾ Engineered current path of vertical organic phototransistors for smart optoelectronic applications, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, vol.11 No.42 pp.14580~14588, 2023박혜림
◾ Molecular Tailoring to Achieve Long-Term Plasticity in Organic Synaptic Transistors for Neuromorphic Computing, Advanced Intelligent Systems, vol.5 No.9 pp.2300016~2300016, 2023박혜림
◾ Organic Memristor-Based Flexible Neural Networks with Bio-Realistic Synaptic Plasticity for Complex Combinatorial Optimization, ADVANCED SCIENCE, vol.10 No.19 pp.2300659~2300659, 2023박혜림
◾ Polymeric gate insulators to induce synaptic photoresponse of organic transistors, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, vol.83 pp.320~327, 2023박혜림
◾ Systematic Investigation of Subtractive Contact Patterning for High- Resolution Organic Electronic Devices, ACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, vol.5 No.4 pp.2197~2202, 2023박혜림
◾ Biodegradable and Flexible Polymer-Based Memristor Possessing Optimized Synaptic Plasticity for Eco-Friendly Wearable Neural Networks with High Energy Efficiency, ADVANCED INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, vol.5 No.5 pp.2200272~2200272, 2023박혜림
◾ Electrolyte-gated synaptic transistors for brain-inspired computing, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol.62 No.SE pp.SE0801~SE0801, 2023박혜림
◾ Recent Progress in Organic-Based Photonic Synapses, Journal of Flexible&Printed Electronics, vol.1 No.2 pp.155~173, 2022박혜림
Conference Papers
◾ 박혜림, Organic-based artificial synapses for artificial neural networks, The Korean Physical Society Fall meeting, 창원컨벤션센터, 2023박혜림
◾ 안혜민, 박혜림, Novel Strategy to Achieve Reliable Multi-Memory States in Vertical Organic Photo-Memtransistors, 2023 Korea Flexible & Printed Electronics Society Fall Meeting, 강릉세인트존스호텔, 2023박혜림
◾ 이현수, 노준석, 박혜림, Engineering of Memory Volatility in Organic Conductive-Bridging Random Access Memory by Controlling the Conductive Filament Stability, 2023 The Korean Vacuum Society Summer Annual conference, 제주신화월드, 2023박혜림
◾ 박혜림, Development of Organic Synaptic Devices for Artificial Nervous Systems, 12th International conference on flexible and printed electronics (ICFPE 2022) [S09] Printed and Molecular Electronics 3, 제주 신화월드, 2022박혜림
◾ 박혜림, 박성진, 이태우, Bio-inspired organic synapses for artificial nervous systems, 소음진동공학회 춘계학술대회 유망과학자[2] 세션 초청 강연, 창원컨벤션센터, 2022박혜림
◾ 박혜림, Organic-Based Artificial Synapses for Artificial Nervous Systems, 제29회 한국반도체학술대회(KCS2022) K. Memory분과 초청발표(invited talk), 강원도 하이원 그랜드호텔, 2022박혜림
- Development of Intelligent Stretchable Photo Transistor Array Mimicking Insect Eye Geometry For Light Image Recognition System, Ministry of Science and ICT, 2021.03-2026.02
- Photonic Artificial Nerve-Based Neuromorphic Display for In-Situ Detection of Ultra-Violet Light, Ministry of Education, 2019.09-2020.08
Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6613
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